
Showing posts from March, 2021

A fresh slice of Morcheeba



2021 video of Peggy Lee's 'Fever'

Bun, scurt, la obiect

Death Songbook with Brett Anderson, Nadine Shah, Charles Hazlewood and Paraorchestra

March into spring

Am citit de Ziua Internațională a Poeziei | DLITE | Institutul Goethe


ergo sum


Valeriu Mircea Popa (4 octombrie 1947 - 18 martie 2021)

Un film slab cu ceva părți bune

Beth Harmon tribute

#lovingBethHarmon #queensgambit #bestlifeplay

Duminică, de Ziua Internațională a Poeziei, alături de 20 de poeți, pe pagina Facebook a DLITE - Institutul Goethe

Duminica ce vine și emoțiile aferente unui live la Institutul Blecher de Ziua Internațională a Poeziei


Warning: You are about to enter someone else's dream.

Beauty of Iris van Herpen. #simplylove

#freshlysqueezed channel

March into spring

For the ‘Biomimicry’ film, Iris van Herpen and Dutch National Ballet explore the symbiotic relationship between the metamorphic force in which fashion and dance interlace. In line with Iris van Herpen’s continuous pursuit to materialise the invisible forces that structure the world, the film focusses on the bond between humanity and nature. The dancer — symbolising strength and determination — finds herself in a future in which mankind, science and nature are closely interwoven. Deeply rooted in dichotomies, the music encompasses subjects such as machines and nature as well as soul and control, searching for unfamiliar synthesis in familiar organisms. This synergic collaboration comes as a natural evolution of Iris van Herpen’s multidisciplinary approach to the art of fashion and matches seamlessly with Dutch National Ballet’s practice of co-creating with leading visual artists, photographers and designers. Van Herpen’s background in classical ballet metamorphoses this collaboration into a hybrid dance in search for freedom of form.



'I belong in the spaces between'