
Showing posts from September, 2019

L'été indien

I am terrified by this dark thing that sleeps in me. / S. Plath, 'The Collected Poems'

Ultimele lumini de septembrie


She opened her mouth but no sound came out. Instead, blue things flew in, pieces of glass or tin, or necklaces of blue diamond, perhaps. The air was the blue of a pool when there are shadows, when clouds cross the turquoise surface, when you suspect something contagious is leaking, something camouflaged and disrupted. There is only this infected blue enormity, elongating defiantly. The blue that knows you and where you live and it's never going to forget. / K. B.

B e a u t y and beyond. Visually haunting. #Sundance

I'm turning tricks, I'm getting fixed / I'm back on boogie street / You lose your grip and then you slip / Into the masterpiece

'Life is like tango - sad, sensual, sexy, violent and quiet.'

Icons of style

I hear the sand under the wheels / There's a cool breeze

Noi, Institutul Blecher nr. 207


Watching time fly by



Pentru ziua ei, puțin în avans. @ Gargantua

Institutul Blecher - primul din toamna asta.

Terminal (2018) soundtrack

Un film bun - Terminal (2018)

The great divide

Welcome home

AJ tribute

August 42nd

Me & Vettriano

Nocturnele de poezie Arcen cu Daniela Luca, Andra Rotaru. & Karishma.

